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Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy: Ultimate Guide

Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy - pet info site

Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy – Introduction:

This blog is truly the best direction on how to deal with Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. Perhaps you often fantasized about getting one for your own home, or simply you wished to gather more information about these cute creatures, well, congratulations you’ve found the right article. 

Everything You Need to Know About Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy


Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies or Berners are isolated breeds that are bred by the farmers in the Swiss Alps to do any job on the farm as a working dog. These were used in times of cattle herding and plowing and were seen as loyal companions to man and his families. 


It can also be described as a medium to large breed that is tricolored: black, white and rusty colors are there on the body of Bernese Mountain Dog puppies. They are medium in size with a muscular build, large and deep chests, massive heads, and dark and bright looking eyes. 


The Bernese Mountain Dog puppies (puppies of Bernese Mountain Dog) grow rather fast and become as large as they are intended to be by the time they are about 2 years of age. Ideally, the male tend to be between 25 to 27 years of age. about 5 inches in height and their stand at the shoulder stretched between 80 to 115 pounds, but the female is slightly smaller with the bowed height of between 23 and 26 inches and they can weigh about 70 to 95 pounds. 


The Bernese Mountain Dog puppies are in most cases represented as a breed that has a friendly character. It is a type of dogs that have the qualities of loyalty, docility, and novelty to people. This breed of dog is sociable and they like the company of humans and therefore will do well in human society. The impact of these dogs with children and other animals is generally playful and friendly and as such, can be raised with children and other animals. 


The Bernese Mountain Dog puppies are quite intelligent and interested eager to learn, but sometimes this dog will be obstinate. He/She should; through consistent practice and positive extinction; they should be in a position to rule in obedience as well as agility competitions. 


However, these BMD puppies are mostly born without a health disorder affecting them. In contrast to the other breeds, they are predisposed to some hereditary diseases including – hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and gastric torsion. Of course, the breeders who can be called highly ethical about their role in society perform health and genetic tests for the sake of their puppies. 


It is always a somewhat saddening task to work with puppies of Bernese Mountain Dogs since they are relatively live animals and their average life span seems to be relatively low; they can live between 6-8 years. Nevertheless by paying much attention to them, taking them through a satisfying diet, and taking them to the vet for periodic check up examinations a few Berners may live longer. 


Bernese Mountain Dog puppies have a thick-coated, double layer coat that needs to be brushed frequently to remove dirt or to remove snow. Give your pet a brush down at least once a week, or more if your pet is a shedding one. Investigation during this period should check on the progression of the loose hair. 

Exercise Needs: 

Bernese Mountain dogs are puppies that always require day to day exercise to be active and healthy. While they can spend a good amount of time outside racing and fetching toys such as balls, other times they like to remain indoors and play and in this case they require brain work. 


Bernese Mountain Dogs – as it is possible to guess from the name, THESE dogs are famous for their pleasant character and beautiful appearance all over the world. These dogs always are on the list of popular dogs, not only they can be families, people with different statuses, and lovers of this breed owing to their beautiful appearance but also affection.

Characteristics and FactsDescription
NameBernese Mountain Dog
Size23 – 27.5 Inches (Male), 23 – 26 Inches (Female)
ColourTri-color: Black, White, Rust
FeaturesSturdy, Gentle, Intelligent
NatureGentle and Affectionate
Life span6 – 8 years
HealthProne to Hereditary Health Issues
Weight80 – 115 pounds (Male), 70 – 95 pounds (Female)
TemperamentLoyal and Eager to Please
Exercise needModerate
Shedding capacitySeasonal Shedding

Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy: A Furry Friend for Life

Adorable Bernese Mountain Dog puppies are more than mere animals, they introduce flam and zeal into life due to their personalities. Friendly and affectionate, they stay with you all the time either cuddling on a couch or going for a walk. Thanks to their tricolor coat and powerful, full-bodied appearance, they attract attention in any place they are in.

Gorgeous and lovely as they may look, Bernese Mountain Dogs are also very smart and eager to please when trained. When treated kindly and encouraged, trained properly, they can easily master them and do tricks. They do not leave and hardly ever betray, always showering their love and affection to their owners. If you want to find a faithful friend, a wise and beautiful partner for the rest of the days of your life, and lots of funny and happy moments together, a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy is exactly what you need.

Finding the Perfect Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy

Getting the ideal Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy may sometimes be challenging and therefore there are things to consider to make the search and the experience a smooth and pleasant one. After all, selecting a breeder with a good reputation is quite important too. And, it is also vital to visit adoption facilities to be able to pick the right puppy.

Locating Ethical Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy Breeders

The first thing that a person should do to find a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog puppy is to locate a responsible and moral breeder. Ethical breeders, from the start, place the welfare of their dogs higher than any other subject and they do that by following strict breeding criteria to achieve healthy and well-adjusted puppies.

In the process of looking for a breeder, it is important to be able to find a person who provides references from previous puppy buyers and who is open about their dog breeding practices. Moreover, investigate whether health screenings and genetic tests are being done to make sure that the puppies are free of derived diseases that are common to the breed.

As a result, I suggest that you visit the breeder in person. This allows looking inside where the puppies are raised, to evaluate the breeder’s knowledge in the matter and to see if he is interested in carrying it on.

Adopting a Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy from Rescue

Another option for the best Bernese Mountain Dog puppy would be rescued through an animal rescue group. Frequently, these rescue organizations will specialize in the breed of Bernese Mountain Dogs as they have a supply of puppies that are ready for adoption.

Taking a puppy from a shelter gives the dog another opportunity to live a happy life as well as makes it possible for the noble cause to happen. You are doing a big favor to the pet population by choosing adoption over shopping around in a pet shop and giving a rescue dog a happy and cherished home.

Before deciding to adopt from a rescue, it is important to do your research which should include about the organization, and finding out whether they have a good reputation and trustworthiness. Request for the puppy’s background and possible medical history to verify that they will fit in for your family and lifestyle.

Tips for a Smooth Transition

Once the right Bernese Mountain Dog puppy is identified, then it is important to prepare and ensure that all is done to ensure that the puppy settles well into the new home. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Create a Safe Space: 

Provide the puppy with a nice bed or a crate on which the dog can relax and design a space in the house that will regarded as the dog’s own space, which he/she can use when he/she wants to be alone. 

Stock Up on Supplies: 

It is also advised that you make sure you have all the requirements a puppy would need in terms of food, bowl, toys and grooming supplies at home before they arrive. 

Establish a Routine: 

What is most important when you breed a puppy is regularity. Develop a routine for feeding your puppy and taking him outside to eliminate soon after bringing him home to ensure that the puppy gets used to his new environment. 

Socialize Early: 

Please allow your puppy to socialize with the people, animals and the environment at an early age. This way your pup will be more social and well adjusted as an adult, plus you will get used to the regular behaviour without stress or half baked attempts to fix it. Man will grow in the way he behaves after being subjected to those experiences during his childhood. 

 If you stay true to these tips and devote the necessary time to getting to know your choices, you are sure to have the Bernese Mountain Dog puppy that will be a member of the family and give you joy for many years coupled with many friends.

Caring for Your Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy

The care you provide is the primary determinant of the health and happiness of your puppy. Here are some essential aspects of puppy care:


Give your Bernese Mountain Dog puppy a high-quality food that is designed for large breeds only. Watch their weight closely and proportionately and provide them with the right portions to prevent obesity.


The Bernese Mountain Dog puppies need to have an adequate supply of energy and regular exercise to stay fit. Treat them with exercise like walks, introduce them to a game, and provide them with mental stimulation.


Bernese Mountain Dog puppies are real gems that, early on, become affectionate to their owners and stick with them like true friends. Be it adopting one for your family or just simply reading to learn more about these fluffy dogs, we are very pleased to have shared some useful information with you. For comprehensive information on various breeds of dogs and adorable puppies, we invite you to explore our website.


How much exercise does a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy need?

The Bernese Mountain dog puppy should engage in moderate exercise to put them in the best health and psychological shape. Ensure that during the day you are as active as possible for at least 30 minutes to an hour at least. 

Are Bernese Mountain Dog puppies good with children?

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for presenting themselves as friendly and gentle – perfect characteristics for children’s playmates. 

What grooming requirements do Bernese Mountain Dog puppies have?

 Bernese Mountain Dog puppies possess a dense, double-layered coat, not kidding that it requires constant grooming to prevent tangles and matting. Sometimes it is cyclically or according to the change of the seasons, meaning you could be brushing more often during different seasons than others. 

Do Bernese Mountain Dog puppies have any health concerns?

 Together with all other breeds, Czech Breeds also gives an account to Bernese Mountain Dog puppies and the diseases they are prone to are hip dysplasia and bloat. Proper examination and taking proper care of the pet will help the pet owner reduce the effects of the above risks. 

How can I socialize my Bernese Mountain Dog puppy? 

 Only if the Bernese Mountain Dog puppy is socialized, becoming a well-balanced adult becomes possible. One should allow them to interact with people, animals, and different terrains right from childhood so that they do not care about them. 

 What’s the average lifespan of a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy? 

 A Bernese Mountain Dog puppy is normally expected to live for 8-12 years, although there are some of these puppies that can live longer lives if well taken care of. 

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